The Situation
Back when your kids were younger and they shared your computer, policing their internet activity was relatively easy. The computer was in an open area where you were able to keep an eye on them and your internet house rules were easier to enforce since all you really had to do was turn the computer off.
But today, your kids are older. They have their own laptops. And the sense of ownership they have over them combined with their ability to connect to your home Internet wirelessly 24 hours a day presents them with a false sense of entitlement over when and how they can use your home Internet connection. And they don’t always need a laptop to get connected. They could download music using their iPod, browse YouTube with their smartphone, and play online video games with others with their gaming console. With each new device that enters your home, you can bet that your kids will be using it to get online – with or without your knowledge, or your help!
Your Frustration
How do you enforce your Internet house rules when you’re not as technologically sophisticated as your kids who know their way around their devices and the Internet better than you do?
The Solution
Use WebCurfew to convey to your kids when and how they can get online! Log in to your WebCurfew account to view all the Internet-enabled devices that use your home Internet connection. Turn Internet access off for the device(s) you don’t want your kids using to get connected. Log back in to your WebCurfew account to turn Internet access back on for the device(s) of your choosing. Log in to your WebCurfew account to view all the Internet-enabled devices that use your home Internet connection. Create a WebTimer to automatically turn off (and then on again later) individual Internet access for each device you don’t want your kids using to get online like during homework time, family time, and bedtime.
The Result?
Without having to know a thing about how your kids’ devices work, WebCurfew allows you to effectively manage how and when they connect online. With WebCurfew it won't matter how much more your kids know about computers, their smartphone, game console or the web because ultimately, you will control the one thing all of these devices need to hold your children's interest...access to the Internet!